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Seminário 6
Nele Beeckmans 1, Astrid Vermeersch 2, Roeland Lysens 3, Peter Van Wambeke 4, Nina Goossens 5, Tinne Thys 6, Simon Brumagne 7, Lotte Janssens 8. "The presence of respiratory disorders in individuals with low back pain: A systematic review"Review Man Ther. 2016 Dec;26:77-86. doi: 10.1016/j.math.2016.07.011. Epub
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Seminário 7
Andrade, Ricardo J., Sandro R. Freitas, François Hug, Guillaume Le
Sant, Lilian Lacourpaille, Raphäel Gross, Peter McNair, et Antoine
Nordez. « The Potential Role of Sciatic Nerve Stiffness in the
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B. Schmid. « Negative Neurodynamic Tests Do Not Exclude Neural
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Basson, Annalie, Benita Olivier, Richard Ellis, Michel Coppieters, Aimee
Stewart, et Witness Mudzi. « The Effectiveness of Neural Mobilization
for Neuromusculoskeletal Conditions: A Systematic Review and
Meta-Analysis ». The Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy 47, no 9 (septembre 2017): 593?615.
Beltran-Alacreu, Hector, Laura Jiménez-Sanz, Josue Fernández Carnero,
et Roy La Touche. « Comparison of Hypoalgesic Effects of Neural
Stretching vs Neural Gliding: A Randomized Controlled Trial ». Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 38, no 9 (décembre 2015): 644?52.
Beneciuk, Jason M., Mark D. Bishop, et Steven Z. George. « Effects of
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Sham-Controlled Study in Asymptomatic Participants ». The Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy 39, no 6 (juin 2009): 428?38.
Brochwicz, Peter, Harry von Piekartz, et Christoff Zalpour. « Sonography
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Lateral Flexion. Is There a Difference in Neurodynamics of Asymptomatic
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Brown, Cynthia L., Kerry K. Gilbert, Jean-Michel Brismee, Phillip S.
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Caliandro, Pietro, Giuseppe La Torre, Irene Aprile, Costanza Pazzaglia,
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Coppieters, Michel W., Karel H. Stappaerts, Leo L. Wouters, et Koen
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Ekedahl, Harald, Bo Jönsson, Mårten Annertz, et Richard B. Frobell.
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Gilbert, Kerry K., C. Roger James, Gail Apte, Cynthia Brown, Phillip S.
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Gilbert, Kerry K., Michael P. Smith, Stéphane Sobczak, C. Roger James,
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De Felício, Cláudia Maria, Andrea Mapelli, Fernanda Vincia Sidequersky,
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Lindfors, Erik, Taro Arima, Lene Baad-Hansen, Merete Bakke, Antoon De
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Michelotti, Ambra, Michel H. Steenks, Mauro Farella, Francesca Parisini,
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Schultz Martins, Ricardo, Patrick Girouard, Evan Elliott, et Said
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Seminário 8
Bayo-Tallón, Vanessa, Jordi Esquirol-Caussa, Montserrat Pàmias-Massana,
Kalia Planells-Keller, et Diego J. Palao-Vidal. « Effects of Manual
Cranial Therapy on Heart Rate Variability in Children without Associated
Disorders: Translation to Clinical Practice ». Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 36 (août 2019): 125?41.
Gabutti, Marco, et Jerry Draper-Rodi. « Osteopathic Decapitation: Why Do
We Consider the Head Differently from the Rest of the Body? New
Perspectives for an Evidence-Informed Osteopathic Approach to the
Head ». International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine 17, no 4 (1 décembre 2014): 256?62.
Grondin, Francis, Toby Hall, et Harry von Piekartz. « Does Altered
Mandibular Position and Dental Occlusion Influence Upper Cervical
Movement: A Cross-Sectional Study in Asymptomatic People ». Musculoskeletal Science & Practice 27 (2017): 85?90.
Piekartz, Harry von, et Toby Hall. « Orofacial Manual Therapy Improves
Cervical Movement Impairment Associated with Headache and Features of
Temporomandibular Dysfunction: A Randomized Controlled Trial ». Manual Therapy 18, no 4 (août 2013): 345?50.
Piekartz, Harry von, et Kerstin Lüdtke. « Effect of Treatment of
Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) in Patients with Cervicogenic
Headache: A Single-Blind, Randomized Controlled Study ». Cranio: The Journal of Craniomandibular Practice 29, no 1 (janvier 2011): 43?56.
Saccucci, Matteo, Lucia Tettamanti, Stefano Mummolo, Antonella Polimeni,
Felice Festa, et Simona Tecco. « Scoliosis and Dental Occlusion: A
Review of the Literature ». Scoliosis 6 (29 juillet 2011): 15.
Saccucci, Matteo, Lucia Tettamanti, Stefano Mummolo, Antonella Polimeni,
Felice Festa, et Simona Tecco. « Scoliosis and Dental Occlusion: A
Review of the Literature ». Scoliosis 6 (29 juillet 2011): 15.
Yang, P F, G-P Brüggemann, et J Rittweger. « What Do We Currently Know
from in Vivo Bone Strain Measurements in Humans? », s. d., 13.
El trabajo de Paulo se basa en el Método Busquet, que tiene un abordaje global muy distinto a la fisioterapia tradicional. Una de las particularidades del tratamiento es que utiliza técnicas de relajación muscular. "Es un método manual de relajación de todas las cadenas musculares -explica-. Lo que se busca es que se puedan prevenir lesiones con técnicas específicas para cada persona más allá de su condición de deportista".